5 Natural Ways to Induce labor

  Motherhood is special, there is a lot of excitement, joy, and goodness everywhere. Pregnancy has two sides of the coin, you might be nervous about delivery, the beginning, and the baby! So let’s understand pregnancy and natural ways to induce labor. Delivery is the final step of pregnancy. Initially, there is a lot of… Continue reading 5 Natural Ways to Induce labor

UTI Home Remedies: Causes and Treatment

  The symptoms of a urinary tract infection (UTI), which include bloody urine and pain in the lower abdomen or pelvis, can knock you off your feet. A general physician can help you in many ways or you can also seek online consultation. The causes of UTI can range from different things and this article… Continue reading UTI Home Remedies: Causes and Treatment

Insulin Resistance: Causes of Insulin Resistance and Prevention

  The pancreas produces the hormone insulin, which enables cells to take up and utilize glucose. Cells are unable to utilize insulin adequately in persons with insulin resistance. You must take the guidance of a diabetologist or general physician for more clarity on the topic of insulin resistance.    Glucose, often known as blood sugar,… Continue reading Insulin Resistance: Causes of Insulin Resistance and Prevention

Slip Disc: Symptoms and Treatment

      The vertebrae that make up your spinal column are stacked one on top of the other. The column is made up of seven cervical spine bones, twelve thoracic spine bones, five lumbar spine bones, the sacrum, and the coccyx at the base. Discs support these bones and cushion them. By absorbing the… Continue reading Slip Disc: Symptoms and Treatment

High Protein diet for Weight Loss

  Protein is an essential macromolecule for life. Biochemistry classifies DNA, RNA and protein as basic forms of life. The beauty about the three of them is that they are linked together. In humans, DNA forms the RNA which further forms the protein.    Protein is responsible for formation of new structures in our body,… Continue reading High Protein diet for Weight Loss

How to stop Snoring?

    Snoring is an unusual sound that is produced while the person is sleeping. People from all around the world have this problem. Half the American adults snore. So you are not alone. If you snore, you might have some underlying clinical condition. Snoring can be occasional or regular. Both of them have different… Continue reading How to stop Snoring?

Management of Prediabetes

  Prediabetes is a warning sign for diabetes. Your blood sugar levels are higher than normal but your general physician still cannot diagnose type 2 diabetes. It’s important to know that prediabetes is an alarm that your pancreas cannot take more sugar load. You can either stop this or the body will give up! Prediabetes… Continue reading Management of Prediabetes

Benefits of Breastfeeding

    Why do humans drink so much milk? Thanks to nature this is the first source of nutrition that is available right from birth. Milk is the first complete source of nutrition for newborns. It contains all the essential nutrients for growth and development like proteins, carbohydrates, fats, and vitamins. This is in fact… Continue reading Benefits of Breastfeeding