Worried about your Testosterone levels? Here are some ways to boost it!



Testosterone is a normal sex hormone that is present in both male and female. This hormone is required for fertility and puberty. In males testosterone is made by testicles and in females by ovary. It is present in very less amounts in females rather than male. It is responsible for all the secondary characters in the male. Hormones are mere chemicals in your body but can bring significant change in your body. Sex hormones in your body apart from sexual secondary characteristics, they are responsible for body mass, metabolism and development of body. There is always a silver lining when we talk about the concentration of the hormones in the bloodstream. The concentration could be variable and it’s completely normal. The factors that affect the testosterone levels are lifestyle, genes and other related medical conditions. Diabetes and obesity majorly affect the levels. There are certain natural ways to boost the hormones and reduce them as well. 


What is Testosterone and its effect on man? 


Testosterone is the chemical substance known as hormone. It has quite wide ranging effects on the body. It is directly released into the bloodstream. It goes around the body in the blood circulation and affects a wide range of organs. The release of testosterone is controlled by a group of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal glands. The release of this causes two big surge events. 

It is the most important male hormone. Men are generally aggressive and that’s because of testosterone. Precisely speaking it is made of man. This hormone is responsible for the development of a number of male characteristics including male hair growth pattern, beard growth, voice and muscle growth. Most testosterone is produced in the testes but some small amounts come from the cortex as well. The specific cells that produce testosterone are leydig cells. The levels of testosterone rise at puberty and reach their peak. The spurt of hormones is less in childhood because of the level of maturity. The levels of testosterone also depend on genetics. Women too have testosterone. The levels are low in case of women, 5-10 % of the total male testosterone. 


What happens when Testosterone is low? 


One of the largest reasons for low testosterone is the presence of chemical bisphenol A. Now bisphenol A is found in polycarbonate plastics like water bottles. Studies have found that it lowers the testosterone in men. It is also found that for men who go to fertility clinics, the urine samples are found with bisphenol A. The very next reason is being obese or overweight. Adipose tissue contains an enzyme which converts testosterone to oestrogen. Since obese people contains more fat and this results in decrease in testosterone levels. Obese people are more prone to diabetes. Diabetes is also proven to reduce male hormones. Irregular sleep cycle is another reason for decreased male hormone levels. Decreased sleep increases cortisol levels and thus reduces morning male hormones. Second half of the sleep is important as this enhances the levels of the testosterone. So if you wake up in the middle of your cycle, then it reduces your hormones. A healthy diet is important for a healthy body. Diet can play an important role in hormone production. As we know testosterone is responsible for all the secondary sexual characters in male. If the levels are low then this could lead to erectile dysfunction, loss of body mass and loss of body hair. The facial hair growth is also reduced. Low levels could affect fertility as well. So it’s important to check for fertility. For this visit your doctor. 


What happens when Testosterone is high?


High levels of adrogens could be normal due to sexual activity and stimulation. The system that is involved is hypothalamus and pituitary gland. Hypothalamus sends the signal to the pituitary gland for the release of testosterone. These signals reach the testicles and then there is release of testosterone. The cause of high testosterone could be testicular tumours. General physicians say that high androgens are not good for the body. There could be risk of infertility if the level of testosterone is on rise. This could be an indicator of false puberty. You can even end up with serious heart problems. The symptoms of are high testosterone are excessive hair growth, high sexual drive and aggression. High risk of infertility. There are males who abuse steroids, especially testosterone. Basically it is abuse of anabolic steroids. Unnecessary use of testosterone to increase your sexual drive. You should consult your family physician before intake of any kind of steroids. Testosterone supplements are another reason for an increase in hormones. 


How can I boost my Testosterone? 


Talk to your family physician about testosterone boost! Many men generally overdo it. Firstly come out the stigma associated with it. If you suffer from erectile dysfunction, it’s important to consult your general physician. Online consultation can help you discuss sensitive issues. There are some ways to increase androgens levels. The decrease of levels could be due to stress as well. The decrease physical and sexual might lead you to the conclusion boosting your androgens. But it is studied that medication could leave side effects too. Another important fact that you have to keep in mind is about the related medical condition. If you have any medical condition, consult your doctor. If there is no medical condition you can adopt the following methods. First, the high physical intensity works out. High intensity training is better than low intensity interval training. It is found that this helps the person to increase his boost levels. Lose the pounds! If you are obese or overweight then its high time to reduce the weight and increased the level of androgens. Get better sleep! If you have an irregular pattern of sleep this is affecting your hormones. Eat healthier! Lower down fats and calories to boost the androgens. Take advice from a dietician or a nutritionist. This can improve erectile dysfunction as well. Beware of herbal supplements. Many companies will try to sell you supplements but don’t consume them until prescribed by your general physician . This might not have a good effect on humans. 



Testosterone vs Oestrogen 


Testosterone is also known as male hormone whereas oestrogen is known as female hormone. The oestrogen is responsible for all the secondary characteristics of the females. It is found that both hormones can be found in both genders. The amount of hormone is tightly regulated by hypothalamus and pituitary. There is always some amount of testosterone that is converted to oestrogen. This is due to the presence of enzymes in the adipose tissue. According to general physicians there should be a balance between both the hormones for proper body functioning. A particular form of oestrogen and estradiol is important for male sexuality. On the other hand, testosterone in the female body is released by the adrenal gland. High oestrogen in males can lead to problems like erectile dysfunction and infertility. The growth of the body is also delayed. The body starts losing hair. Shrinking body mass and trouble in focusing also. Maintaining a proper lifestyle can help you find the right balance between hormones. It is important to understand the importance of both the hormones in the body. You can keep a check on the levels by diagnostic methods like oestrogen test or testosterone test.


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