Top 10 food items for a healthy Keto-diet

Keto diet


The keto diet which is based on the principle of burning excessive fat easily and quickly. Body tends to store glucose and then burn it for the energy supply. It is important to note that glucose is the primary source of energy. But for weight loss we need to burn fat. So this diet is based on high fat and low carb. The body will not acquire energy from carbs, instead it will depend on fats.The proportion is 70% fats, 25% proteins and 5% carbs. Yes, only 5% of carbs. This diet works on the principle of glucose metabolism. Glucose is the main source of energy in the body. 

Keto diet was initially started to reduce the epileptic seizures attack in children. Keto-diet is a high protein, high fat  and low carb diet. Macronutrients are adjusted in such a way that it is a high protein and low carb diet. Now the major disadvantage of the keto diet is that it has to be tightly regulated by your dietician. Online consultation is really effective in such situations. Many people often find keto-diets complicated but it’s all about picking the right food items that are easily available around your place. 


What do you eat for Keto? 


Most of the food that are the pillars of the diet are very commonly available and familiar. Dietitians use them in a slightly different way to promote ketosis. There are hundreds of foods that fit into the keto diet but few of them are rockstars. Talk to your general physician about any kind of allergies to food items. 


Here is a list of food items which are most versatile and healthy and are included in keto diet: 


Eggs : High in protein and low on carbs. Eating eggs is proven to make you feel full throughout the day. Egg contains 13 essential vitamins and minerals as well as antioxidants. While eggs were demonised for their relatively high levels of cholesterol but we now know that it doesn’t increase blood level cholesterol. This can actually reduce the risk of heart disease. 


Olives and olive oil: They are busted with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory elements. Olive oil is one of the healthiest oils for baking, cooking and deep frying at high temperatures. 


Meat, poultry and seafood: In addition to being low on carbs and high in protein, it contains vitamin B12. Shellfish and fish contain anti-inflammatory and omega 3 fatty acids. These are essential nutrients that the body requires. This will keep you full for the whole day. 


High fat dairy: It contains high protein and minerals. It also contains conjugated linoleic acid. These are the few fatty acids that promote fat loss. Some studies suggest that a moderate amount of high-fat dairy helps to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke. Try full fat cream and sour cream! And say yes to ghee! 


Dark chocolate : Scientifically speaking not the processed chocolate but sugar less is not a sinful treat. In fact dark chocolate is loaded with antioxidants and flavonoids that can decrease blood pressure, heart disease risk and insulin resistance. Just be sure that there are no sugars and minimal amount of carbs present.


Berries : They are the  healthiest and most friendly keto-genic food. Blueberries have shown to improve memory and brain function while black berries and raspberries are packed with antioxidants. Remember to eat berries in moderation as they do contain carbs. 


Alliums : Garlics, onions, leeks and others are included in almost every other indian dish. They contain allicin which is a potent plant product that protects the body from brain damage and disease. They might be high on carbs but using it in small quantities can really add nutrition as well as taste to your keto food. 


Broccoli and cabbage : These vegetables are very low on carbs and provide a good amount of nutrients, especially minerals and fibres. They contain high levels of vitamin K and A. A special plant based component sulforaphane. 


Coconut oil : This is very high in saturated fat but it is found out that it can reduce belly and lower the blood cholesterol levels. It can be used for cooking, baking and frying at high temperatures. 1


Nuts and seeds : Rich in fibres and minerals they are also associated with reduced risk of heart disease, certain cancer, depression and obesity. Avoid nuts that contain high levels of fat. Almonds, sunflower and pumpkin seeds are the best. 


Keto diet for weight loss


Weight loss is the question humanity has been asking for generations. As species we have experimented with a lot of food, macronutrients and exercises. All of this is because of the reason we want to get into shape. A ketogenic diet is a low carb diet because of which it becomes a high fat diet. The body just forgets to metabolise carbs and then metabolise fats. This includes butter, oils and healthy fats. It can train your body to burn fats. This reduces hunger, appetite and craving which makes it best for weight loss. You can add a cup of coffee in the morning with cheese and cream. Salad for lunch is a perfect choice. This should be high on protein and of course low on carbs. Mix eight types of vegetables in your salad of different colours which will add vitamins and fibres as well. Many celebs describe this as a fast way to reduce weight. Keto-diet is a high protein, high fat  and low carb diet. Macronutrients are adjusted in such a way that it is a high protein and low carb diet


7 side effects of the Keto-diet


Keto diet is a yes in the case of many people who want to lose weight. But it might be a clear no for your nutritionist. Many think the keto diet is not beneficial. The very first reason to say this is that the keto diet is tough to follow. It is believed by many nutritionists that if not followed properly can have reverse effects on your health. Talk to your general physician if you see these symptoms. You might feel nauseous while you are on a keto diet. Fatigue and lethargy are other common symptoms. All these symptoms together are called keto-flu. But these symptoms generally go away after a few days. Fatigue is very common initially. It can be reduced by drinking water on a regular basis. Fatigue happens because your body runs out of sugar and it starts using fat. Other ways to deal with fatigue are green tea, organic tea or organic coffee. Diarrhoea is again a very common problem. The physiology behind this says that gallbladder becomes hyperactive by seeing fats in the body. This leads to excessive bile release. You should not follow this all together. Take help from a registered dietician. Undergo a full body examination before going on a diet. It is contraindicated in diabetes mellitus, high cholesterol levels and renal diseases. To maintain a good quality of fat and protein in the diet is very important. It can be done by a dietician only. As this is to be calculated thoroughly. Most of the fats are saturated fat. This includes butter, palm oil and coconut oil, these are high in fat. All the vegetables and fruits are out of the picture. This can lead to deficiency of vitamins and minerals. This is considered to be unhealthy by many nutritionists. The bottom line is that you have to return to healthy eating after weight loss. 


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