Rhinoplasty : Is it permanent?



Rhinoplasty or nose surgery is a very common thing these days. To look appealing, people generally opt for rhinoplasty. There are majorly of two types: open surgery and closed surgery. Open surgery includes many incisions whereas closed surgery is about two incisions. Open surgery is believed to give a more clearer look but might leave scars. Although that’s the choice made by the patient and the plastic surgeon. The complications include bleeding, haematoma, septal perforations and saddle nose deformity. Toxic shock syndrome can also occur. The nose surgeon will tell you about the possible complications and risks. Make a better choice by opting out for legally approved clinics. 


How long does a Rhinoplasty last?


Most of us do rhinoplasty to look appealing. Generally, it lasts forever but if there are complications the surgery has to be done again. It is found that the changes are permanent and cannot be destroyed until trauma or ageing leaves an impact. There could be changes due to ageing but not major restructure. Take proper care after your surgery. Any kind of scars or bruises are not permanent. But the swelling which generally goes by weeks but sometimes can stay for a year. Why do people go for second rhinoplasty or revision rhinoplasty? This is a general question that is asked by many people. To get satisfactory results. Many people feel that the natural look is better and suddenly decide to take a new shape. The second rhinoplasty is very difficult and can be complicated. Sometimes it takes a long time to show the results. So it’s better to be patient for the results. Talk to your plastic surgeon regarding the same. 


Is nose surgery painful?


Once you have decided on rhinoplasty, there are certain factors that you have to keep in mind. One is the pain. This doesn’t mean that there will be pain during or after the surgery. The treatment or the surgery depends on the requirements. For eg, if you have a bump on the bridge you might need open surgery and septal changes. You can choose if you want to change other structures as well. Open surgery involves many incisions but can lead to better breathing. Closed rhinoplasty involves two inches. This can involve even the cartilage as well. Open surgery allows more precision whereas closed surgery leaves no visible scarring. During the surgery, you might not feel any pain because both of them are under anaesthesia. After the surgery, you can experience swelling on your face, some bruises and minor bleeding. The patient can experience pain but rarely it is severe. You may experience discomfort during breathing due to swelling all around the face. This can force you to breathe from the mouth as well. The duration of the pain is not very long and can be dealt with by taking medicine. In extreme cases, doctors advise doing the surgery again. The recovery from the nose job takes about 6 weeks. The first 10-15 days are generally with a covering. The next 5-10 days is the duration when the nose takes time to heal. In around 6 weeks you can see a solid nose. Initially, the pain is mild but can be aggravated by some external factors like excessive motility. So proper care is required after the surgery. Follow the don’t and do’s suggested by the plastic surgeon. Keep a check on your body after the surgery. You are the best person to notice any kind of change. Maintain a proper diet. Don’t sleep on your sides. Your head should be elevated at least till the treatment is complete. Take proper rest, and avoid movement until your surgeon suggests. Don’t smoke. 

In general case studies it was found that there is discomfort instead of pain like headache. 


What are the risks of Rhinoplasty?


The short-term risk of rhinoplasty is bleeding or infection. These risks are minimal and your plastic surgeon might not even discuss them with you as well. Patients having bleeding or infection after post-operation is very rare which is approximately near to 1%. Your cosmetic surgeon will discuss the long-term risks of rhinoplasty. The major risk involved is that the results may not satisfy the patient and the doctor. The likelihood of success is about 85%. So as a patient you should realise that it is not a 100% guarantee that it will be successful! Hematoma and infection that is seen just after the rhinoplasty. Trauma can happen because of not taking proper care after the surgery. You should avoid strenuous exercise including swimming pools and stretching heat like directly exposing yourself to the sun. Any kind of exercise can cause the movement of the nose which can lead to long-term risk. This can affect the overall structure of the face. The other long-term effects include secondary deformities. Your cosmetic surgeon will keep in touch with you for your whole life. Certain operations can change after 12-18 months. This is generally through video and pictures saved by your plastic surgeon. You can book an online consultation from time to time to keep a check! This will help in the prevention of secondary deformities. Facial asymmetry is a common deformity which can occur after surgery. Some of the complications require further surgery. The surgery can damage your skin as well. There could be prominent unevenness that is seen. Hollow bumps or chronic pain can be seen too. Skin discolouration, broken veins and swelling are also seen after rhinoplasty. Although this is uncommon. Visible scarring near the tip of the nose. Nostril irregularities and septal changes are also observed in some of the patients. So talk to your doctor about the risks associated with rhinoplasty. 


What is the cost of Rhinoplasty?


Do you feel low because of your nose? Then rhinoplasty is the solution. Nose surgeon is the best person that can help you. But since it’s about your appearance, cost should not be a barrier. Nose surgery can be costly as well. Generally any plastic surgery is costly. The cost of the nose surgery depends on the procedure and the type of surgery too. Picking the right cosmetic surgeon can be a task in itself. If you go out of India, the cost variation is too much. In India it is a little cheaper compared to outside. But look for NABH certified clinics and talk to your plastic surgeon. Safety and results are very important before doing any kind of surgery. This should be kept in mind. The average cost of rhinoplasty is 80,000 to 2,50,000. In comparison to other countries it is cheaper and better. Just don’t go to random clinics and get rhinoplasty done. It’s just not a surgery, it’s about an experience! 



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