A Better Way to Recover from Spine Surgery

Spine surgery


Spine Surgery is much easier now! There are different procedures to deal with different parts of the spine. This includes discectomy, laminectomy and fusion. All three spine surgeries are different. Consult your orthopaedic surgeon about the same or make an online appointment for a better decision. The first surgery is related to the disc of the spine. Vertebrae is combined by disc. Laminectomy is removing lamina. Fusion is performing surgeries with two vertebrae. The recovery part is more important than spine surgery. This will help the surgery to work longer and better. Recovery includes maintaining the right posture. 


What are the different types of Spine Surgery? 


There are several types of spinal surgery. The four broad categories are : 


Diskectomy: As the name defines removal of the disc. Your vertebrae are connected with each through a disk. If your surgeon removes the disk that is the spine surgery is called a discectomy. This technique is performed to relieve the patient from lower back pain. The back pain is either associated with discs or herniated discs. The patient who needs this spine surgery can often feel shooting pain in the lower legs as well. This is an extreme step as the surgeon will prefer doing this after all the medications and therapies have failed. There are three types of discectomy according to the type of incision made. Microdiscectomy is a day procedure and can be done in an outpatient department. The anaesthesia given is local which induces sleep and relieves pain. The incision is much smaller and doesn’t involve bone, muscles and joints. The other surgery includes a long incision in the lumbar region. In this surgery, muscles are exposed to see spines. This is a minimally invasive technique as far as all the spine surgeries are concerned. 


Laminectomy : In simple words it is removal of the lamina. Lamina is the covering of the spinal canal. It is done so that your orthopaedic surgeon can access the spinal canal. This is required when we have decompression of nerves or spinal canal due to stenosis, herniated discs and damage to nerve roots. All of this can be done by simple laminectomy and sometimes your spine  surgeon will combine this surgery with fusion. This is a simple procedure to address many issues like primarily leg pain in elderly population or olderly population. The leg pain gets worse if it is left untreated. This will affect you while you are walking or standing. Normally this can be done on an outpatient day through a small incision. Cervical laminectomy is easier to recover from whereas  lumbar laminectomy is hard to recover from. It generally takes 3 weeks for the appearance of the tissue, especially soft tissue but in total it takes 7-8 weeks. At the end of 6 months you will feel great and healthy. During this course be in regular touch with your orthopaedic surgeon. 


Fusion : The fusion surgery is performed on the spine with two or more vertebrae. This type of spine surgery uses bone graft material and surgical hardware. Spine consists of a series of interconnected bones called vertebrae. These extend from the base of the skull and to the tailbone. Each one connects one above and one below at the facets joint. This allows them to move relative to one another. Your spine surgeon will suggest fusion if you have the following condition: a fractured vertebrae, excessive motion between vertebrae causing instability and pain. Spondylosis is a degenerative arthritis condition that may cause loss of normal spinal structure and function Fusion spine surgery can be useful for those patients if one the vertebrae moves forward. 


What are the ways to recover from Spine Surgery? 


A successful recovery is important after a Spine Surgery. Take the help from your orthopaedic surgeon and follow the instructions properly. There are few precautions and rules that you should follow after the spine surgery. 


No Bending : Your orthopaedic surgeon will clearly instruct that “no bending” after on the spine. This includes both forward and backward. 


No lifting : No lifting more than what your spine surgeon says. Lifting weight could put extra burden on your back and can break or damage the spine. This can even lead to complications in your spine and thus worsen the situation. 


No twisting : A right posture after the spine surgery is important to have a better recovery. Don’t twist your spine. Keep your back, shoulder and your hips in one line. This will keep your back straight and prevent the twist. 


After Spine Surgery avoid turning your head side to side looking down toward the floor or looking up toward the ceiling and avoid reaching/ raising your arms overhead as much as possible. 


Getting up from your bed: After spine surgery, you must be extra cautious while sitting and lying on bed. This is important because a sudden jerk can affect your spine. Lie straight and bend your legs towards your body. Then bend sideways and make sure to keep your head, shoulders and hips aligned. Bring your legs to the end of your bed, raise your arms to finally get up from your bed. 


Getting into Bed : While sitting on your bed, keep your back before sitting in your bed. Allow your upper body to lie on the bed first. Then the step is to raise your legs and put them in your bed. Remember in this whole situation the body lies sideways only. While sleeping, prefer putting a pillow under your legs. If you are sleeping on your side, put one pillow between your knees. 


Sitting on Your chair : The first thing to remember is to keep your back straight. Take the support of your armrest and then sit. Keep your hips and legs at one angle. 


Standing from the chair : Move to the edge of the chair. Make sure that u dont bend forward instead take the support from the armrest and stand. 


Getting into the car : This will not be as easy as it used to be. Take advice from your spine surgeon if you want to drive. Ask your caregiver to open the door for you. Make sure that the front seat is as far as it can be. Make sure to spread a large plastic bag, this will help in easier movement. Approach the car with your walker, make sure that your back is facing the seat. Never use a car-door for the support instead use the non-movable part of the car like dashboard, support handle and door jam. Pin your hips to lower down. Remember to keep your spine straight. 


Special care and assistance is given to people who undergo spine surgery. This involves removing clothes and wearing them. Make sure to be around these people always and consult the orthopaedic surgeon on a regular basis. 

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